Employment and Training
The iLECSYS Group will treat all employees equally and create a working environment which promotes inclusion and respects the diverse backgrounds and beliefs of all its employees and officers, and which is free from discrimination and harassment. This will include arrangements for recruitment and selection, terms and conditions of employment, access to training opportunities, access to promotion and transfers, grievance and disciplinary processes, demotions, selection for redundancies, dress code, references, bonus schemes, work allocation and any other employment related activities.
Terms and conditions of service will comply with all diversity and equality legislation. The provision of benefits such as working hours, maternity, paternity and other leave arrangements, performance appraisal systems, dress code, bonus schemes and any other conditions of employment will not discriminate against any employee on the grounds of any of the protected characteristics.
The iLECSYS Group actively endeavours to provide appropriate facilities and conditions of service which take into account the specific needs of employees and officers which arise from their ethnic or cultural background; gender; responsibilities as carers; disability; religion or belief; age, or sexual orientation.
Promotion and career development
Promotion within the iLECSYS Group will be based solely on merit and made in accordance with the principles of equality and diversity.
The selection criteria and processes for recruitment and promotion will be kept under review to ensure that there is no discriminatory impact on any particular group.
Whilst positive action measures may be taken in accordance with the relevant equality and diversity legislation to encourage under-represented groups to apply for promotion opportunities, recruitment or promotion to all jobs will be based solely on merit.
All employees and officers will have equal access to training and other career development opportunities appropriate to their experience and abilities. However, the iLECSYS Group will take positive action measures where appropriate (as permitted by the equality and diversity legislation) to provide special training and support for groups which are under-represented in the workforce and encourage them to take up training and career development opportunities.
Recruitment and selection
The iLECSYS Group recognises the benefits of having a diverse workforce and actively encourages a workplace where everyone is valued for the skills and contribution.
The iLECSYS Group therefore takes steps to ensure that:
- it endeavours to recruit from the widest pool of qualified candidates.
- employment opportunities are open and accessible to all on the basis of their individual qualities and personal merit.
- where appropriate positive action measures are taken to attract applications from all sections of society and especially from those groups which are under-represented in the workforce.
- selection criteria and processes do not discriminate unjustifiably on the grounds of the protected characteristics.
- wherever appropriate and necessary, lawful exemptions (genuine occupational requirements) will be used to recruit suitable staff to meet the special needs of particular groups.
- all recruitment agencies acting for the iLECSYS Group are aware of its requirement not to discriminate and to act accordingly.
The iLECSYS Group reviews and revises its recruitment policy and procedures on an annual basis to ensure it attracts and retains individuals from diverse backgrounds. All recruitment application forms have voluntary equality and diversity monitoring forms attached. Once completed and returned they are retained for monitoring and central analysis.
All lists of approved suppliers and databases of contractors, agents and other third parties who, or which, are regarded as suitable to be instructed by those within the iLECSYS Group have been compiled only on the basis of the ability of those persons or organisations to undertake work of a particular type and contain no discriminatory exclusion, restriction or preference.
The iLECSYS Group will take steps to meet the difficult needs of all its customers and will seek to provide services which meet the specific needs in particular of those customers who are vulnerable and/or require adjustments to be made arising from the customers' disability, ethnic or cultural background; gender; responsibilities as carers; religion or belief; age, sexual orientation or other relevant factors.
Equality and diversity training and awareness
All iLECSYS Group employees and officers are aware of the iLECSYS Group's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy.
All employees and officers are required to undertake Equality and Diversity Awareness Training and training on the iLECSYS Group's Anti-Harassment and Anti-Bullying Policy every two years,
All those who act on the iLECSYS Group's behalf will be informed of this Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy and will be expected to pay due regard to it when conducting business on the iLECSYS Group's behalf.
In all its dealings, including those with suppliers, contractors and recruitment agencies, the iLECSYS Group will seek to promote the principles of equality and diversity.
The iLECSYS Group makes every effort to reflect its commitment to equality and diversity in its marketing and communication activities.