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Modern Slavery Statement

iLECSYS Group comprises iLECSYS Group (Trading) Limited, iLECSYS Limited, iLECSYS Rail Limited and Relaxa Mobility Limited. References in this statement to iLECSYS Group includes each company in the iLECSYS Group. Each company in the iLECSYS Group is making the following voluntary modern slavery statement relating to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

We oppose slavery and human trafficking in all its forms and make this statement to set out the steps we have taken to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our business or in our supply chains.


The aggregate annual turnover of iLECSYS is under £36 million. Although we are not required to make a modern slavery statement under section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, we are making this voluntary statement to show our commitment to ethical trading principles and to set out the steps we are taking to tackle modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and in our supply chains.

Our supply chains are mainly made up of suppliers almost all of whom are incorporated or otherwise established and based within the UK.

We do not simply buy goods or services on cost-based principles. We recognise there are areas of potentially higher risk and some services involving relatively high levels of contracted labour.

Suppliers are risk assessed and categorised considering the nature of their business as well as country of operation, and product and industry characteristics. Suppliers categorised as presenting significant risk of modern slavery are subject to additional due diligence, primarily based on public sources of information including checks of their own modern slavery and human trafficking statements where applicable, and any other published policies and procedures. Where, following additional due diligence and checks, a supplier is still assessed as presenting a significant risk of modern slavery or failing to meet our standards, they are required to complete a modern slavery questionnaire. The quality and transparency of responses to these questionnaires is assessed.

To help identify and monitor the risk of slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain, we instruct an external lawyer to conduct due diligence and undertake research into organisations within our supply chain. We continue to vet our suppliers and sub-contractors to ensure that they are committed to ethical labour practices.

We only employ agency workers through reputable employment agencies that adhere to our anti-slavery and human trafficking policy (or equivalent policies).

Our commitment to ethical trading

We are committed to ethical trading principles and to acquiring goods and services without harm to others.

Voluntary signatories

We are voluntary signatories to the Living Wage Foundation. This campaign provides a benchmark for employers who choose to pay their employees at a rate which is calculated according to the cost of living. We pay our employees at a rate higher than the Living Wage, but we also require our contract staff providers, such as cleaners, to pay their own employees the LW rate as a minimum.

Key Performance Indicators

In order to monitor the effectiveness of our commitment to ethical trading, we use the following key performance indicators:

Employee training
Supply chain auditing and verification
Reports of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking breaches, investigations undertaken, and remedial actions taken.

Next steps

We will continue to review and develop our supply chain due diligence and risk assessment across our offices to ensure a robust and consistent approach to supply chain risks. We will continue to make all efforts to identify any significant risks in our business and supply chain and implement any actions appropriate or necessary directly with suppliers.

Board approval

This statement has been approved by the board of each company within the iLECSYS Group.

This Modern Day Slavery Statement is made in connection with section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, for the financial year ending 31 December 2022. It was approved by the board of each company within iLECSYS Group on 14 March 2023.

Grace Tipson

iLECSYS Group Limited
iLECSYS Limited
iLECSYS Rail Limited
Relaxa Mobility Limited

14 March 2023